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Don’t Get Left Behind—Tips for Moving With the Market

July 29, 2022

When it comes to the housing industry, the only constant is change. Markets shift, buyer mentality changes and affordability is always a concern. The key to an effective marketing strategy is to be proactive and respond to those market changes with strategic campaigns that put you in front of potential buyers. That’s where we come in.

At Builder Designs, our team of experts are constantly on the lookout for any trends or variables we see shifting within the housing industry—ensuring that our clients are able to stay on top of their sales goals, regardless of market conditions. Whether you’re hoping to strengthen your overall brand awareness efforts or kick-start your marketing altogether—read on to see exactly how you can keep your team on top of the leaderboard and move with the market.

Be proactive, not reactive  

Adaptability is key in any industry, but with one that fluctuates as often as the housing market does—it can sometimes feel like you're getting left behind if your marketing strategy isn’t quite up to scratch. Internal marketing should never be an afterthought—even when your home inventory is low. The key to getting ahead and staying ahead on your sales goals is by constantly being proactive across all of your online platforms. With a few key digital marketing sets to incorporate into your monthly strategy, you’ll soon find yourself staying in front of potential buyers at all times and blowing past your personal sales records when inventory picks back up.

Dive into your marketing campaigns

Even though there may be times when you simply want to throw in the towel, continuing to pursue your own internal marketing efforts will help with your company's overall strength and endurance in the long run. While there are a variety of campaigns you can look into incorporating throughout your marketing strategy, having one or two short sprint campaigns to set your sights on first is a great way to ease yourself into it. Before long, you can progressively add in longer and more focused campaign ideas for when the industry and your own inventory pick back up.

At the moment, the housing market is seeing higher interest rates and higher home prices than in the past few years—making individuals who had hoped to buy a home soon question whether or not they’re able to. Even though we’ve seen the market act this way in the past, it still leaves individuals worried—and any way builders are able to alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty that potential homeowners are undoubtedly feeling will always give them a leg up in securing a sale. To truly resonate with your buyers, you need to hit the emotional point of affordability. Strategic financing, rate buy-downs and incentive programs are a few campaigns that buyers will gravitate toward and reassure them that now is still an ideal time for them to buy.

Buyers are also always on the lookout for a product that prioritizes a straightforward approach to buying a home—and our Buy It Now feature does just that. Focusing your efforts on a Buy It Now campaign gives you the ability to show potential homeowners the benefits and ease that they could experience when using an online buying tool. When you share your campaign message across all digital platforms, it allows you to easily showcase your available inventory on your website and reach buyers that are ready to pull the trigger on a new home today.

Stay one step ahead of the competition

When it comes to the health of your company, it’s a simple fact that you would rather stay on top of the market than one step behind—but in order to do that, you need to put in the work first before you can begin to see the results.

To learn more about the inside tips our team can give you when it comes to keeping up and staying ahead of a constantly changing market, give us a call at (913) 393-3367 or email

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